Weekly Update/ Campaign Continues…God is on the move! 9/13/16



I will be out of the office and unavailable this week (Wednesday-Friday), but if you are in need please contact Mrs. Mary Thompson, mary@lifeowensboro.com, or our deacon on call Mark Rowe (270-302-3282)

I hope this weekly update finds you doing well.  I wanted to highlight some great things that are happening in our church during this season of spiritual growth.  Please make sure that you read this entire email.

As you know, we are in the middle of a great campaign entitled “ARE YOU ALIVE”, each week we have been hearing messages on a  sign of life, reading about the signs of life, and discussing them in our Life Groups.  In addition to that we have been giving blood and donating shoes.  There was much prayer and planning that went into this campaign through the hard work of our campaign team.  Nathan Booker, the leader of this campaign, shared with me that He felt like God was doing something very special and very different in this campaign than others. He believed that God was preparing us for the next chapter of our church.  I agree with him.

Last Sunday, Hall Street Baptist Church voted to become a legacy church.  This means, that they desired for their history to live on in the form of passing a gift to a healthy and growing congregation.  They have voted to gift Life Community Church all of their properties and remaining assets.  Some may be sad for Hall Street, but I want to encourage you to think of this in a different light.   The fact that they want to continue the legacy  by gifting a new church start is wonderful and should be celebrated.  They are not simply dissolving and handing the building off to the first come first serve, no, they believe in the ministry of Life Community Church.  They believe that Life Community will continue that legacy by being a ministry presence in that community.  This is worthy of celebration and worthy of praise to God.

Since they have voted to gift us their facilities and then conclude their ministry, we will need to vote to receive their facilities.  This upcoming Sunday, we will have a special called family meeting at the conclusion of our service.  After services are over, church family members will be encourage to come back in about 10-15 minutes to vote on receiving the property.  The motion will include granting the trustees the authority to complete the transaction and take care of any costs involved in the acquisition of the property.

I am reminded of the verse in Ephesians  3:20…

“Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us–”

God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine…isn’t that a wonderful thought?  I am so excited about this gift!  I believe it is from The Lord and I believe God is going to take this gift and show us how to use it for his glory.  I believe it is more than any of us asked or even imagined…especially when a fire burned through our ministry center!  Mark Rowe reminded me of one our First Monday Night prayer meetings, when we prayed “GOD, JUST GIVE US A BUILDING!”….and he did.

As we gather to worship on Sunday morning and then reconvene to vote to receive the property, I encourage to vote with faith and support.  Knowing that this is a great gift from The Lord that will require a great responsibility I’m asking you to make this commitment as you vote to receive the gift…

  • I will use this facility for The Kingdom of God and not my personal preference.


  • I will follow the leadership of the church as they lay out the vision, the plan, and the usage of the facility.


  • I will remain faithful to the Church Covenant, which I signed when I joined Life Community, meaning that I will support the testimony of the church through Godly living,  serving, and refusing to argue or bicker.


  • I will give my tithe for the glory of God, or even raise my giving, to insure that true ministry is taking place on the corner of Breckenridge and Parrish Avenue.


  • I will never believe that a building is a church, I understand that we are receiving a building and we are already a church.  I will do my part to care for the church regardless of what buildings we utilize.

I pray that you will take the vote on Sunday morning very serious and approach it with much prayer and faith.  Ready to raise your commitments before The Lord and to adopt the attitudes that I listed above.  I pray that God will be in this.

With that said….

Take note that we will be having a CLASS 301 on Sunday at 2:45 at the Hall Street Facility.  If you are planning on attending, please contact our Administrative Assistant (mary@lifeowensboro.com) and let her know.

I am also willing to do a makeup 101 class this Sunday.  Some have expressed a desire to do this.  If you would like to be part of a makeup 101 please reply back to this email and let me know.

This upcoming Saturday we will be cooking free hamburgers at Bookers garage, across from Moonlite.  This yearly event is a wonderful way to bless the community and corresponds with our ARE YOU ALIVE campaign.  We will be taking no donations and simply loving on the community by giving out some free burgers!  If you would like to help please be there at 10am.

God is doing a great work. Let’s keep connecting to Christ, Caring for People, and Changing the world through missions!

God Bless

Kenny Rager
Pastor @ life community

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