9/22/16 Weekly Update


Greetings Life Community,

I want to begin this email by commenting on the wonderful Spirit that was in our services on Sunday morning.  As I preached on being a generous Christian, I was overwhelmed to see so many people literally take the shoes off of their feet and lay them on them on the stage to be given to the poor.

This was a critical point in our History.  We did this act of sacrifice to symbolically say that we would be a humble group of Jesus followers.  This is especially important, because after that service we voted to receive the Hall Street Baptist Church Facilities.  You should never forget the day we were given a building and we voted to receive it in our socks and bare feet!  Keep that Spirit!  Never loose it!

Let that day be a reminder of how we are grateful for God’s gift and that commitment that we made to live in humility for our Savior.

Next Sunday marks the last official week of our spiritual growth campaign.  It’s been amazing;  we have confessed sin, sought forgiveness from others in the church, gave blood, gave shoes, and received an amazing gift from God.  What a year to remember.

On October 1st, we will be having The Campaign Celebration at 4pm at the Hall Street Facility.  There will be food, fellowship, music, and lots of fun.  I hope you take time to come and enjoy The Life Community Family that day.

A few quick updates:

  • Team Training will be this Sunday.  If you are part of one of Life Community Ministry Teams, that Nominated Team selected, you will need to attend the event.  We need all team members there by 4pm, and the church council there by 3pm.  Make sure all team leaders have been chosen so you they can be part of the church council training.


  • We have been invited to attend the evening services at Hall Street Baptist at 6:30 on October 2nd for a time of celebration between the two churches.  I want to encourage you to attend and be gracious to our sister church who has given up much for the cause of The Gospel.


  • We are looking at having our last services at OCTC on October 9th, and our first service in the gym of the Hall Street Facilities on October 16th.

Let’s pray for God’s Spirit to keep moving in our midst this Sunday!

In Christ,

Kenny Rager
Pastor @ life community

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