Why Kenny Rager needs to be in a Life Group (weekly update) 8-10-15


Greetings Life Community!

I hope this email finds you well today.  I write to you with great anticipation and expectation of what God is about to do in our church.  Beginning August 21st, with our Annual Growth Campaign.  This will be a time of spiritual development and revival in our church.  We will launch it with a high attendance day (praying for 425, so make sure you invite!) and a goal to have 175 people in a new life groups that will launch. (Make sure you read this email in its entirety so you can sign up for groups at the bottom)

We are often telling people to be in a life group, and I thought it would be beneficial to tell you I need to be in a group.  You heard right, KENNY RAGER YOUR PASTOR NEEDS TO BE IN A LIFE GROUP!  Let me tell you why I need to be in a group.

1.  I get content in a group that I can’t get anywhere else-  The campaign will be a combination of a daily reading from the book “Signs of Life” by David Jeremiah, sermons from me on the topic, and the life groups will be looking at different material that will connect all three together!   I’m an dedicated comic book collector ( cough cough nerd cough cough) and it kills me to have all the issues and miss one in between.  If you have that issue too, you’ll want to be in a group!   Because groups will cover life changing material that you won’t get on a Sunday morning.

2.  I need relationships-  Life is not meant to be alone.  When i’m with my group I’m able to get to know people, talk with people, hear their thoughts, and allow them to pour into me.  I love being in a  small group setting!  I leave encouraged.

3.  I know my kids need a Life Group-  My kids love Kids Life! And now they can attend their own life group (Kids Life) while I attend mine.  I don’t want them to miss out on biblical education and encouragement.

4.  I need to use my gifts to serve with my group-  My group will have several mission opportunities during this campaign and I want to use the gifts God has given me to serve alongside them.  i’m excited!

These are four reasons why your pastor needs to be in a group.  And he’s going to be in a group!  So I want to encourage you to be in a group as well.  If you have not already signed up for a Life Group, I encourage you to go to this online link and sign up now.

Life Group Sign up

Jesus Loves you!

Kenny Rager
Pastor @ life community

If you haven’t signed up for our next season of serving you can also sign up online by following the link below.

Season of Serving Sign up

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