Weekly Update 3/30/16


Greetings Life Community Church,


We are coming off of a great Holy Week from last week!  I am so thankful for all of the activities and celebrations that we had during that Easter Week.  For me personally, it’s one of my favorite weeks of the entire year.  But even though Easter week is over, the good news is that CHRIST IS STILL RISEN!  Resurrection Sunday actually happened 2,000 years ago and we are living in His Resurrection every day!  For those who believe, we can celebrate The Risen Savior at all times.  This is the truth of Easter!


Our Celebration Sunday was a great day.  We had 306 people in attendance and a profession of faith.  I have also heard reports of others who accepted Christ that day, let’s pray that God gives them the courage to come forward and profess their faith.


I will begin a new sermon series this upcoming Sunday entitled “LIFE IN HD”.  If you are a Christ follower this series will teach what that life in Christ looks like.  I am excited for Sunday as I am studying and prepping for this series.


I would like to make note that the next CLASS 101 will be on April 17th.  So if you are new to our church and would like more information on church membership, baptism, or what we believe and how we function this is the class for you.  It is required before becoming a member and will be held at our ministry center at 2:45.


Speaking of Ministry Centers.  We are very happy to announce that we are leasing a new Ministry Center on Veach Road.  We will have the Alvey Park Ministry Center during the month of April and will be working on the new ministry center for the next few weeks.  Work will be nightly at 5pm.  Currently we are patching, sanding, and will be painting soon.  There are lots of little projects to be done and will need to be done.  After the painting is done we will be doing an extensive cleaning of the building.  The hope will be to clean all carpets and floors by the 13th of April and to be moved in with an open house on the 17th.  (Which will be great, because the first thing we will do in this building will be a CLASS 101!)


I invite you to come out and get your hands dirty over the next few weeks!


A few updates

  • Don’t forget that a new semester of groups are beginning on the week of April 3rd! I know it will be a great time!  View and sign up for groups online lifeowensboro.com/life-groups


  • Team NYC will be cooking BBQ Chickens this upcoming Saturday. I encourage you to come and support as they will be fundraising to rent the vans needed for the trip to NYC.  The cook will be on Saturday next to Wonder Whip on Old 60.


  • There will be a life group leaders training tonight (Wednesday the 30th) at the Alvey Park Ministry Center at 6:30


Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

God Bless


Kenny Rager

Pastor @ life community

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