Eve of Launch

38 “Repent,” Peter said to them, “and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and for your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” 40 And with many other words he testified and strongly urged them, saying, “Be saved from this corrupt generation!”…

41 So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them. 42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.

The eve of any major event is  filled with anticipation, excitement, and even nervousness!  As a child the Christmas Eve brought much anticipation as I eagerly awaited to open up presents.  The Christmas season seemed like it took forever, and Christmas eve itself drug on and on…

Tonight I eagerly anticipate the launch of Life Community Church tomorrow morning.  This “eve of launch”, is one where I’m reflecting on the birth of a new church that will hopefully impact many for years to come.  I dream of seeing whole families come to know The Lord, children being brought up under the teachings of scripture, people saved and baptized, and mission work spreading across our city, state, and nation as the church takes off.

Tonight I’m also reflecting on the birth of the “first church” as well.  Christ had resurrected from the dead and ascended into Heaven with a command to the Apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait… Wait for what?  Christ had told them, they would receive the Spirit with power and would be his witnesses (Acts 1:8), they were waiting for the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit came as those men prayed on the eve of “the first church”, and it came with fire and wind!  An amazing site, I’m sure, that they would never forget.  As those men were filled like never before they preached with power and truly became the “witnesses” that Christ had foretold of them becoming.  When Peter preached to a gathered crowd, thousands believed, and the first church was launched.

I’m praying for a great outpouring of the Spirit tomorrow that will sustain us for years to come.  I’m praying for the birth of a church!  I’m praying for life change!  I’m praying for souls saved!  I’m praying for a new work, called “Life Community Church”….Christ be lifted high!


Pastor Kenny

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