Opportunity to be involved



I want to share with you about an amazing opportunity to make a difference: it’s called serving.

Life Community Church strives to be a “Connecting, Caring, and Changing” Church (Connecting to Jesus, Caring for People, and Changing the World). This last year God has seen to bless us with a grace that has literally been mind blowing. When the fire happened in our office space, some where left with mixed emotions….did we do the right thing? Did we hear from God correctly? Why did this happen? Only to discover that we were exactly in the center God’s will. He used that fire to bring about the gifting of an entire facility.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10

We have been entrusted with a facility and a ministry therefore we are to use this facility as a tool for ministry. We are never to worship the building, replacing God with the building, or falsely believe we have arrived. It’s a tool for ministry. So let’s minister!

Our new season of serving is beginning in January and I want to humbly ask you to be part of this. With this new building we have more opportunities to serve than ever! More kids workers, more nursery workers, more greeters, more ushers, more change team members, and more ways to glorify God by coming together as a family to do what He calls us to do.

You may think…what difference does this really make? How does serving make a Kingdom or eternal impact? Let me share with you two stories:

One involves my oldest little girl Gracie. I always ask Grace what she learned in Kids Life every sunday and she tells me. One particular Sunday, when asked, she said

“Dad, I learned that they (the Israelites) had to sacrifice animals, grain, and other stuff when they worshipped God”

To which I replied…. “Why do we not do that anymore?”

Her answer “Because Jesus was the final sacrifice”

Because of our faithful kids workers, my little girl is beginning to understand the Gospel. I am so grateful for this. Don’t be afraid of serving with the kids, I want to encourage all church members that can, to be actively involved with our children.

Another story is of a young man that felt very strange and uncomfortable in coming to church, but was greeted, welcomed, and loved on. This simple of act of welcoming and loving a stranger, encouraged him to leave his old life behind and be saved! Did you hear that! The greeters made a difference in someone’s eternal destination! You don’t even realize how important serving is….it’s crazy important! It can make an general difference! I am praying that my friend makes his decision public soon.

Serving makes a difference!

So let’s sign up! Let’s all take an active role!

Click here to sign up now
God Bless

Kenny Rager

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